
Anticipation and Buckwheat Pancakes with Crème Fraîche and Mangoes

This afternoon thick clouds scudded across the skies, letting random splashes of sunlight warm my perch in the doorway. Those fickle bits of warmth felt so good and I loved looking up between the trees, waiting in anticipation for the next one. :-)

Today was a good day, a peaceful day, all the stress and anxiety of the last week melting away in a delicious sense of well-being. My dear friend Kat braved the early morning hours to drive out and have breakfast and a jolly visit with me before work. :-) I toasted prosciutto until it was nice and crispy, and made a stack of buckwheat pancakes while the tea water came to a boil. Kat whipped up crème fraîche and diced fresh mangoes and glistening wedges of ruby red grapefruit, and soon we were sitting down to a scrumptious breakfast and comfy chat. :-)

Tonight I got to meet my folks and dear family friends for a fabulous Indian feast at a new restaurant. Our waitress was a kick in the pants, ordering us about and telling us what dishes we should choose. :-) Her recommendations were excellent and we had a grand time attempting to eat even a smidgen of all the food heaped on our plates. I brought home my leftovers and won't have to cook until Saturday! Hooray! :-)

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. In addition to the usual things: sleeping in, indulging in some sort of dessert, and snoozing in the sunshine under a handmade quilt...

...I also get to go to the Leonardo Da Vinci: The Mechanics of Man exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery with my pals from cooking club. If we have time we're going to explore oh-so-beautiful Stanley Park a bit too. :-) I'm really looking forward to it. :-)

What lovely things are you looking forward to this weekend? :-)


  1. I am looking forward to sunshine this weekend...nothing can beat that. Long walks. Visits to the park.

    Your friend was so nice to come share her morning with you and you were so lovely as to make that delicious breakfast! Yum.

  2. I get to send my boy off to the place that God has led him to go. AFter 19 yrs of being his mom and having the privilege of living and growing and changing and laughing and crying with him, he goes to be whoever God is making him to be. And my heart hurts that good hurt like when you stretch a muscle that needs to be stretched. That is what I'm doing tomorrow. :) Oh, and taking heaps of pictures of the kids.

  3. You're so right, Joanne! NOTHING beats sunshine. :-) Jaunts to the park and out for walks sounds just wonderful. :-)

  4. Oh Marie, biggest of hugs to you today!! I know how much it gutted me watching my brothers leave and I'm not even their mother! You have an awesome boy and I'm so excited to see where this adventure takes him and hope you find much comfort in his love and affection. :-)

  5. Ooh, what a sky - and what a breakfast! Buckwheat pancakes sound very good to me right now - maybe for brunch on Sunday. Going out with friends tonight for a Buddhist cuisine workshop and dinner, then some quality time with my sweetie this weekend. Enjoy!

  6. Kat and u sure had an absolutely wonderful breakfast and i love what u say about those Specs of warmth:-)))'
    And those Oatmeal cookies are super:-)))
    Oh the chocolate chiipysss...
    and i love love love squirrels too, i had them as pets and they roamed all over with me, had adopted them actually:-)))as babies:-))
    And look foward to ur blog doing giveaways too, its wonderful and so so muc fun:-)
    Me too aint online as muc as i used to be and that too am on hols ,he he he, have lods of pics to post and write about:-)

    Am wishing for u a sunshine happy weekend , coz somebody as wonderful as u deserves this and muc muc more:-)))

  7. Ohhh, that sounds WONDERFUL, Nancy! :-) I've never heard of Buddhist cuisine, but it sounds fascinating. :-) Hope you have a lovely time!

  8. Thank you so much, dear Mia!! I didn't know you could even have squirrels as pets!! I love that! :-) They're so very, very cute. :-) I hope you have a fabulous holiday! :-)

  9. the fresh fruit look so inviting and juicy!

  10. So, how telling is it that I all I want is that luscious crispy prosciutto?

  11. It really was, Tia. :-) SO yummy and sweet. :-)

  12. VERY telling, Duchess! I have two slices left to toast and I've been dreaming of it all day. :-)

  13. Oh my what a gorgeous breakfast, so nice of your friend to come by so early.

    Your weekend sound great...and so does that meal at the Indian place...sounds funny too.

    hugs DJ

  14. The fruit on the pancakes looks so good. I'm a hardcore syrup girl though.

  15. It was jolly fun having her, DJ. :-) A great way to start a day! Thanks muchly for the hugs. :-)

  16. I know what you mean, Deanna. I LOVE syrup!! The fruit and cream were awfully good too. :-)

  17. That image through the trees is mesmerizing!!

    Beautiful and scrumpious site!

    Art by Karena

  18. Thank you, Karena! :-) It delighted me too. :-)

  19. As usual I am looking forward to some wonderful food and hanging out with friends! :D

  20. Those quilts are beautiful Krista. Mango season is over here for the year..and I don't think I ate enough as I'd love one right now.

  21. That sounds fabulous, Milton. :-) Good friends and good food are the best. :-)

  22. Thank you, Barbara! I loved making them. :-) And mangoes are one of my favorite fruits. :-) Can't wait to get some more soon!

  23. pancake with mango! Great picnic food :)

  24. Ooo, that would be a fun picnic, Ellie! :-)
