
Lovely Rain and Soup, Soup, Soup

It has been raining all day. Not that dreadful chill-you-to-the-bones wintry rain, but a delicious, warm spring rain that smells of daffodils, hyacinth and budding trees. I love it!! :-)

I had to stop by the drug store after work, and was delighted to see racks of potted fresh herbs for only $1.99!! I snapped up this beautiful basil, my first new plant at my new place, and it's now sitting perkily on my patio. I can't wait for it to grow big and bushy, ready to be turned into pesto and all manner of lovely things. :-)

Although it was raining, I had to take a little stroll to the creek, to see how spring was advancing. It did me good to breathe in the rain-washed air and see the blackberry bushes leafing out and new grass poking up through winter's brown leftovers.

I have much to be grateful for tonight, and I smile when I stop to think of it. :-) I had encouraging news from my doctor today, and that bit of hope did much to ease worries I didn't even know were lurking. I made a new soup tonight that is so lovely I can't wait to tell you about it on Monday! :-) This weekend I get to see dear friends, my brother and sister in law, cousins and their kidlets, aunt and uncle and parents for a whole day of visiting and feasting. :-) And I get to rest. :-)

Do you have any lovely weekend plans? What is one thing you're looking forward to? :-)


  1. That basil is so lush and PROMISING! Do you also grow Thai basil? My fav to use in the kitchen at work. Oh, spring! ... and rain ... and the ground reawakening ...

  2. Isn't it, dear Jacqueline?! :-) It cheers my heart tremendously to see it there. :-) I don't have any Thai basil, but that sounds heavenly! I will keep my eyes peeled. :-)

  3. A nice spring rain is the best kind...way better than the winter blusters.

    Basil is my favorite herb to go...it's smell just screams summer to me!

  4. I heartily concur, Joanne. :-) It makes the heart happy instead of fuss. :-)

    Screaming Summer Basil. :-) I like it!

  5. Ah the good news is wonderful news and makes all the world look absolutely like springtime! Good for you! And you are also lucky to have that lovely weather - we still have the cold drizzle and damp. And wouldn't soup be great? I want basil plants to show up here!

  6. So lovely! My one thing was seeing the seaside - and I did :)

  7. I Love fresh basil and nothing like picking ur fresh basil right from ur fav pot :-)))
    the fragrance is amazingly brightennin and super in soups too !!!
    PEsto dreamz are made of these and so are ur super soups:-)
    One thing i looked foward this weekend was catch up on sleep which is sure did:-)))

  8. Thank you, dear Jamie. :-) You're right - good news makes all the difference!! A bit of hope is the greatest gift. :-) I hope you get basil soon!!!

  9. Oh, I'm so glad, dear Frugal! I got to see the seaside too! It did my heart much good. :-)

  10. I'm so glad that you were able to catch up on sleep, dear Vanilla! :-) I hope to do the same thing this week. :-)
